Still working...

Welcome to a month of opportunity and possibility for success.
In today’s piece I have a powerful message for everyone reading this.. There is a story you tell yourself on a daily basis that may be holding you back from living the life you wanna live is B.S. That’s right, it’s a crab story!

And this week I want to help you realize that where you are in life right now, and where you want to be in life, can be blocked off by something as stupid and as simple as the limiting believe and negative stories you tell yourself on a daily basis.

It happened to me as a kid when I would tell myself “Oh, I can’t be rich, I’m a bad reader or I wont be a success because I come from a family with no money.”

Listen to my podcast on www.IsaacAyodeleke.org orwww.Gethsemanelagos.org in this weekly wisdom and find out more about YOUR story!

Let me help you change your story from one of doubt and excuses, to one of empowerment and success! Share it.
Join me for LIBERATION OF FIRSTBORN AND LASTBORN, this Saturday, Feb 3,’18 @5pm & Sunday, Feb. 4,’18 @4pm.
@ Abundant Life Assembly, 20, Kayode Street, Onipanu, Lagos.
Thank you for being you.
To your success.
Welcome to your transition from negative story to glorious and dignifying living.

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