Still working...

My beloved you will not eat the bread of sorrow.
You will the good meal that you desire.
The Lord shall prevent your eyes from shedding tears, your feet from falling and He will uphold you with His right hand of His Power.
He will satisfy your mouth with His goodness and you shall be abundantly satisfied.
As this year is going to an end, I decree that sickness and disease shall be far from you.
Your blood will not be spilled by drinkers of blood.
Your body will not be torn to pieces or mutilated neither shall flesh eaters feast on your body organs or skin.
Your hopes be not dashed or frustrated.
You shall not be a victim of situation or circumstance.
For you and your loved ones, 2018 will end well for you in The Mighty Name of Jesus.

Your Priest
Pastor Isaac A. Adeleke

Sunday Service
@ 8 am & @10am
Crossover/New Year Eve’s Service on Monday, 31.12.’18 @9pm
I will relay 2019 Prophesy and how to make good prophecies to work for you. Don’t miss it.
@ Gethsemane Prayer Ministries Int’l Lagos
20, Kayode Street, Onipanu, Lagos State.
Pastor Isaac A. Adeleke
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